Are you ready to join the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program? Apply now. Let's do this! Volunteer Information First Name Last Name Email Address (primary) Cell Phone Mailing Address - Street City Zip Code Are you a student? No, I am done with school. No, but I'm thinking about it. Yes, I am a student at this school. The school I attend is Are you employed? No, I am retired. No, I am between jobs at this time. Yes. My employer is: I work at Volunteer Details In what capacity do you want to help at the VITA site? Tax Preparer (requires certification in Tax Law) Greeter (Requires certification in Tax Law) Site Coordinator (requires certification in Tax Law) Other (How would you like to help?) I would like to help at the VITA site by What is your experience with taxes? I was a VITA volunteer last year (or in the past). I prepare my own tax return sometimes. I prepare tax returns for family members or others. I am taking or have taken tax accounting classes. I am a CPA or have a PTIN. I have no previous tax experience but I want to learn. Other (Tell us your experience.) My experience with taxes is How did you hear about VITA? Referred by Internal Revenue Service volunteer portal. Referred by a VITA volunteer or site. United Way website, Facebook, email, Twitter, poster or flyer. My Employer My School Other I was recruited by What is the best way to communicate with you? (Look for an email about VITA training in October.) Email me! Call me! Text me! Other (please specify) Other way to communicate United Way asks VITA volunteers to serve the public at least 6 hours per week for 6 weeks during the tax season. (This is a minimum requirement; many volunteers work more hours than this.) Can you make this commitment? Yes, I will volunteer at least 3 hours per week for 6 weeks during the tax season (January - April) No, I cannot commit to volunteering at this time. Other (Please tell us how you would like to volunteer.) I would like to volunteer by VITA Site Preferences (By checking here I give United Way permission to share my contact information with the VITA site coordinator in charge of the site I select.) I can volunteer as needed at Brownsville VITA sites. I want to volunteer at this VITA site. Why are you interested in become a VITA volunteer? (One short idea, please.) When will you be available to volunteer during the tax season (January- April)? This is tentative. You will be asked in January to schedule hours Click all that apply. Weekdays- before 5:00 p.m. Evenings- after 5:00 p.m. Saturdays- After 1:00 p.m. Unsure of school/work schedule at this time. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit