Snack Pack

What is the Snack Pack Project?

Snack Pack is a community effort to provide child-friendly snack bags for the holiday break. Snack Packs are distributed to local elementary children at risk of hunger, identified by the school administration.

How can you be part of the Snack Pack Project? 

1) Donate by visiting

2) Make a Snack Pack Bag with the items below and drop it off at the United Way office by Friday December 6th: 

  • 1 jar of Peanut ButterSnack Pack List
  • 1 box of Graham Crackers
  • Package of Pudding Cups (minimum of 4)
  • Fruit Cups (minimum of 8)
  • Package of Granola Bars
  • Package of Cereal Bars
  • Cereal (one box)
  • Canned tuna (minimum of 2)
  • 100% Juice boxes (minimum 10 juices)
  • Cheese and Cracker Kits
  • Box of Whole Wheat Crackers
  • Individually packaged raisins